Why choose me?

A sensitive touch

I am a highly experienced and qualified proofreader, copy-editor and translator with a profound understanding of the writing process. I am always sensitive to an author’s reasons for a particular choice of words and when I work with your words, I take great care with them. Nicola Harris, author of the copy-editing course Basic Editing, stresses that “each project should retain its individuality, not be rendered bland or anonymous by the editorial process”.

Clarity, accuracy, consistency and good writing style are among the main aims of the editorial process. The first three elements are often achieved through simplifying and restructuring language, but sometimes at the expense of the fourth element. Simplicity is good, but when we over-simplify language we risk rendering it dull. The hallmarks of good writing style are readability, individuality and elegance.* When I work with your writing, I ensure not only that it is clear, error-free and consistent but also that it is elegant and that it retains the individuality, the voice, you would like it to have – be it your own or that of your brand or product.

Yet sensitive treatment doesn’t necessarily mean a hands-off approach. Each job gets the treatment it needs but always in line with your requirements and adapted to your intended audience. For some projects this will indeed mean a light touch, while for others I am as meticulous and detailed as you need me to be.


Breadth and depth of knowledge

Variety has been the ‘spice’ of my working life and has certainly enhanced and enriched it. After completing my degree, I spent two years in Lisbon learning Portuguese and teaching English. I qualified as a translator and worked in-house for 14 years in Brussels, Paris and then at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.

In Brussels I worked on press releases on all aspects of European news. In Paris I translated, edited, proofread, researched and summarised documents in a huge range of areas, including sales literature and instructions for health products, advertising leaflets, marketing materials, financial reports, conference presentations, technical manuals, veterinary reports and food and toy packaging. And in Strasbourg I translated and edited texts on all the Council of Europe’s areas of activity, including healthcare, pharmacology, bioethics, mental health, education, the arts, media, human rights, social policy, cultural heritage and the environment.

After leaving the Council of Europe to return to the UK with my family and before focusing full time on the freelance editorial work, I ran my own complementary medicine business, treating patients and writing and delivering courses and talks on the theory and practice of complementary medicine, including Traditional Chinese Medicine. The rigorous training and continuing professional development (CPD) required to practise complementary medicine safely and conscientiously was very exacting and enriching.

This diverse and demanding background and my keen interest in a range of subjects including photography, psychology, music, dogs and popular science have given me a very broad general knowledge as well as in-depth knowledge of a number of specific subjects.


Added value

At all stages of the working relationship, from initial communication to final completion of a project, I consider going the extra mile a normal part of my work. I will always follow your brief, meet your expectations and deliver a project to your deadlines. And I will always work with you in a professional, friendly and helpful manner. But it is that extra effort I make to exceed expectations that turns new clients into regular clients. Please read what my clients have to say on my testimonials page.


* Mark Allen of Copyediting.com takes a refreshing look at the process of editing and the need to retain elegance.

Link to The Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading

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"You have a very deft touch. I really appreciate all your hard work on this, and your eagle eye too! The kind of mistakes you spot is very impressive!"
Email from EH, Informa/Europa World

"Etty really delves into your copy and ensures she understands your subject matter. She’s also quite lovely and personable. We would be lost without her."
AS, Pressparty.